Parents & Carers of Disabled/ SEN Children and Young People 0-25 years old.
LivPac meet for coffee every first Tuesday of the month (may change during school holidays). They offer mutual support, training for both Parents & Carers and Professionals. They are volunteers but they work in participation with Services, in Service Management meetings, sitting on participation groups and consulting with Services to help to design Services for our children. They meet at the DCLP, 5 Shelmore Drive Dingle, Liverpool L8 4YL.
LivPac also hold regular free training sessions on a variety of subjects. Check on their website or Facebook page for more information.
Tel: 0151 727 5271 or 07504544638
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https:
The ADHD Foundation works in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies to improve emotional well-being, educational attainment, behaviour and life chances through better understanding and self-management of ADHD, autism and related learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, Irlen’s Syndrome, dyscalculia and Tourette’s Syndrome.
They also provide training for GP’s, Teachers, Social Care agencies and other professionals, raising awareness to bring about positive change and inclusion in mental health, education and employment.
Website –
Facebook –
Community Business Enterprise that offers families living with Autism, leisure and play opportunities in an Autism friendly setting exclusive use of activities during school holidays.
Promoting awareness of Autism with campaigns and events throughout the year to showcase all opportunities for families to access.
Website –
Facebook –
Autism in motion is a parent led organisation who provide support, advice and guidance for families of children with neurological conditions.
They provide courses, advice sessions and coffee mornings for parents and carers. They also offer lots of social activities for children.
Website –
Facebook –
Monthly Support Group for Parents, Grandparents & Carers of children with social and communications difficulties.
The group is run by June Ardrey and Babs Bluett-Duncan (term time only) for Parents, Grandparents & Carers of children with Autism and other social and communications difficulties.
They meet up once a month, everyone is welcome and occasionally they have invited speakers in to talk to the parents such as Speech and Language therapists, Mencap, Dental nurses, and other professionals.
Free refreshments are provided as well as play facilities for younger children. Go along and make new friends and find the mutual support and sharing of experiences with other parents. Remember you are not alone.
Merseyside Christian Fellowship Church Hall
22 Richmond Park
L6 5AD
Tel: 07837098625 (text only)
Email: [email protected]
Facebook –
Cerebra provide the following core services to families where a child has a brain condition.
The Cerebra Sleep Service
The Cerebra Legal Entitlements & Problem Solving Service
The Cerebra Health and Well-being Service
The Cerebra Money Matters Service
The Cerebra Innovation Centre
Sensory Library
Book Library
Afasic was founded in 1968 as a parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families. They provide information and training for parents – and professionals – and produce a range of publications.
The National Autistic Society provide information, support and training and for individuals, families and professionals.
The PDA Society started out as the PDA Contact Group, set up in 1997 by parents of children with a PDA profile of autism, and became a registered charity in January 2016. They provide information, support and training for people living and working with PDA.
Network Autism
Autism Trampolining
Bounce in a session tailored to your needs! Spring City offers three different inclusive sessions specifically aimed at being Autism Friendly, ADHD friendly, and disability friendly so you can bounce with your family in a more comfortable environment. With staff trained to understand your needs and your possible areas of concern, these sessions promise to provide a fun session which can be enjoyed by everybody.
Term time :
Every Sunday 10am -11am
Every Thursday 6pm – 8pm
Unit 1 & 2 Glacier Buildings
Harrington Road
Brunswick Business Park
L3 4BH
(For sat nav try L3 4ED)
0151 958 0393
Website –
Facebook –
The centre houses a host of unique attractions that are second to none; including a large and small play frame, an arcade and football pitch.
Dempster Buildings Atlantic Way Brunswick Business Park Liverpool L3 4BE
Disability sessions held every 2nd Tuesday of the month 6.15pm – 8pm.
Website –
Facebook –
Autism in motion –
Parent Interest Group –
LivPac – :
Author – Dr Luke Beardon
Dr Luke Beardon is a well-known expert in the field, and this book is an accessible, easy-to-read introduction for those encountering autism for the first time. Gently and honestly, it guides you through the issues you might encounter, busting the myths around autism and Asperger Syndrome, and explaining what the diagnosis means for your child, for you, and for your wider family. It looks at sensory profiles, helps you handle your child’s anxiety, tackles education, and answers a variety of frequently asked questions.
Author – Dr Luke Beardon
Estimated to affect just over 1 per cent of the adult population in the UK – some 700,000 individuals – autism is still persistently viewed as a disorder or impairment but, this concept needs to be challenged. Written by a university lecturer with several years’ experience in the field, this book presents an up-to-date overview of autism and Asperger syndrome, and comments on the realities of adult life including further and higher education, employment, dating and parenthood. For autistic children, teenagers and adults, their families and friends, and any professionals interested in autism.
Author – Cynthia Kim
Cynthia Kim shares all the quirkyness of living with Asperger Syndrome (ASD) in this accessible, witty and honest guide. From being labelled nerdy and shy as an undiagnosed child to redefining herself when diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome as an adult, she describes how her perspective shifted to understanding a previously largely incomprehensible world and combines this with extensive research to explore the ‘why’ of ASD traits. She explains how they impact on everything from self-care to holding down a job and offers typically practical and creative strategies to help manage them including a section on the benefits of martial arts for people with ASD. Packed full of personal anecdotes and useful advice, this humorous, insider guide will be of immeasurable value to recently diagnosed autistic adults and their partners and family members, carers and mental health professionals working with people with autism, and anyone exploring whether they may be on the spectrum.
Author – Cynthia Kim
What if instead of being weird, shy, geeky or introverted, your brain is wired differently? For adults with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there is often an “aha!” moment–when you realize that ASD just might be the explanation for why you’ve always felt so different.
“I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults” begins from that “aha!’ moment, addressing the many questions that follow. What do the symptoms of ASD look like in adults? Is getting a diagnosis worth it? What does an assessment consist of and how can you prepare for it?
Cynthia Kim shares the information, insights, tips, suggestions and resources she gathered as part of her own journey from “aha!” to finally being diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in her forties. This concise guide also addresses important aspects of living with ASD as a late-diagnosed adult, including coping with the emotional impact of discovering that you’re autistic and deciding who to share your diagnosis with and how.
Author – Lynn McCann
A comprehensive and practical guide for teachers and SENCos to understand Autistic Spectrum Condition and help them put in place the right support and expectations for the 1% of primary school pupils likely to be affected.
Author – Lynn McCann
Author – Lynn McCann
Stories that explain is a one-stop support guide to helping children understand social situations through stories. This practical book is packed full of support, advice and tips for teachers, teaching assistants, SENCos and parents to help support children in gaining a better understanding of common primary school experiences that can cause misunderstanding or stress. This resource provides a concise explanation of the use of stories, why they are important, and advice on how to write/edit stories, including tips on how to present them. The accompanying CD includes a comprehensive and editable bank of stories to share with children to aid their understanding of social situations.
Strategies for Education Professionals
This book distils expert advice on implementing collaborative approaches to learning for supporting pupils with Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) at school. Explaining why this approach is so beneficial, it presents key information, advice and resources to help education professionals best support pupils with PDA, and also school staff.
Authors: Ruth Fidler and Phil Christie
Me and My PDA: A Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance for Young People
This beautifully illustrated guide helps young people with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) to understand their diagnosis, develop self-awareness and implement their own personalised problem-solving strategies. Written in consultation with young people with PDA and their families, this book recognises the importance of handing control back to the young person, and that there is no one-size-fits-all PDA profile. Readers are encouraged to engage throughout with interactive writing, doodling and checklist exercises to explore their own particular characteristics, strengths and challenges. Me and My PDA is sensitively tailored to the needs and experiences of young people (aged 10+) with PDA. The guide is designed to grow with the reader, and can be used for many years as the young person develops and changes – making it invaluable to PDA-diagnosed individuals and their families.
Authors: Glòria Durà-Vilà and Tamar Levi
A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals
The first book ever written about PDA – it gives a comprehensive overview for everyone with an interest in the subject. It was written collaboratively by professionals and parents.
This straightforward guide offers a complete overview of Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) and gives practical advice for overcoming the difficulties it poses in a wide range of contexts from diagnosis through to adulthood. Starting with an exploration into the background of PDA that answers many of the immediate questions triggered when a child is first diagnosed, the book goes on to look at the impact of the condition on different areas of the child’s life and what can be done to help. The authors present useful information on early intervention options and workable strategies for managing PDA positively on a day-to-day basis. They also examine ways to minimize common difficulties that may be encountered at home and school, making life easier for the child, family and peers. The final chapters tackle new problems that can arise when the teenage years hit and how to assist a successful transition from adolescence to adulthood. Illustrative case examples are included throughout, and the book concludes with a list of valuable resources for further information and advice. Full of helpful guidance and support, this user-friendly introductory handbook is essential reading for anyone caring for, or working with, children with PDA.
Authors: Phil Christie, Margaret Duncan, Ruth Fidler and Zara Healy
Jane Sherwin’s honest and uplifting account provides insight into the challenges of bringing up a child with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA).
After years of misdiagnosis, Jane’s daughter, Mollie, was diagnosed with PDA at the age of seven, and we follow her experiences pre and post diagnosis to age 10 as she attends school, interacts with the outside world and approaches adolescence. Throughout, Jane provides commentary on her daughter’s behaviour and the impact it has on her family, explaining the ‘why’ of PDA traits, including the need for control, meltdowns, obsessive behaviour and sensory issues. She reveals the strategies that have worked for Mollie and provides essential advice and information on obtaining a diagnosis and raising awareness of PDA. The book also includes an interview with Mollie.
Full of advice and support, and with a focus on understanding the child and how he or she sees the world, this book will be of immeasurable value to the parents and families of children with PDA as well as the professionals working with them, particularly teachers and teaching assistants, SEN co-ordinators, psychologists, outreach workers and social workers.
Author: Jane Sherwin
A blog by Cynthia Kim author of Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life and I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults.
A blog by Lynn McCann of Reachout ASC and author of How to Support Pupils with Autism Spectrum Condition in Primary School, How to Support Children with Autism Spectrum Condition in Secondary School and Stories that explain: Social stories for children with autism in primary school.
A fantastic blog about pathological demand avoidance (PDA)
Harry Thompson
Isaac Russell
My experience of pathological demand avoidance (PDA)