The Advent Bank have self published a beautiful children’s Christmas story book called “The Rainbow Christmas” written by Kate Heath and illustrated by Susannah-Rachel Gorman. It is the most magical book about kindness and community after a very peculiar year! We love it and we know that you and your littleness will too.
It is dyslexia friendly and you can even buy a book for yourself and a book to donate to a child supported by one of their partner charities which includes The Isabella Trust.
They also have a gorgeous range of stocking fillers that compliment the story.
The net proceeds of purchases will be going to support vulnerable families identified by the partner charities: Better Days Home, Barnardo’s Action With Young Carers, The Isabella Trust, Liverpool Parent and Carers – Livpac and Dovedale Primary School
You can read more about The Advent Bank’s amazing work AND buy your goodies on their brand new website!
Everything is pre order and so once orders are placed they won’t be able to order anymore so be quick!
Please share this information far and wide on social media and your school whats app groups.
The more they sell, the more families can be provided with support this Christmas.